where. can you keep track of your attacks and treatment?

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Some people find it helpful to track their HAE attacks and any times they use their treatment. Taking note of patterns in your symptoms and treatment could help you to recognise any triggers and make changes to your routine to avoid them.

It might be useful to note down:

  • The date of any episodes of HAE you experience and how long they went on for
  • Where any swelling occurred on your body and how severe it was
  • Other medications you take and whether any changes are made to them
  • Potential triggers (emotional and physical)
  • If you have a menstrual cycle, it may help to note its phases as this can influence your HAE
  • Any physical warning signs you noticed before an attack (tingling, fatigue etc.)
  • Whether any treatment was used to help the swelling go down (you can peel the label off any medication you use and stick it into your diary)

The information you collect will help you and your doctor to manage your condition as effectively as possible.

Your Berinert® Diary

This diary has been specially designed for people with HAE. Download a copy to help you keep a record of any symptoms and treatment.

Download the HAE diary

Your Berinert Diary can help you talk with your doctor about how HAE is affecting you. For more resources to help when talking with your doctor about your HAE, check out our discussion guide here